Episode 18 - Generational Healing: Passing Down the Power of Breathwork

March 4, 2024

In this episode the transformative power of breathwork, yoga, and mindfulness practices takes center stage. You’ll gain valuable insights into managing stress with a simple practice that will enhance your overall well-being, and reshape neurological pathways for self-regulation and generational healing.

Managing Stress:

Yoga Instructor and Breathwork Coach Brittney Hall shares her journey of using yoga and breathwork to navigate physical and emotional pain following a car accident. Her story underscores the effectiveness of these practices in stress reduction and healing.

Brittney and I talk about the pivotal role of breathwork in slowing down the central nervous system, inducing the rest and digest state, and harmonizing the fight or flight response. These techniques emerge as powerful tools for calming the mind and body amidst life's challenges.

Improving Overall Well-being:

Brittney underscores the holistic benefits of yoga, breathwork, and meditation, emphasizing their impact not only on physical health but also mental and emotional wellness.

Drawing from her experience, she highlights how integrating these practices into daily routines fosters mindfulness, presence, and inner peace, thereby nurturing improved overall well-being for individuals.

Creating New Neurological Pathways for Self-Regulation:

You’ll learn how consistent engagement in breathwork and yoga facilitates the formation of new neurological pathways in the brain. By rewiring responses to stress and triggers, you can attain enhanced self-regulation and emotional balance over time.

A pivotal discussion point is the significance of conscious parenting and the transmission of these tools to the next generation. Teaching children breathwork and mindfulness equips them with invaluable coping mechanisms and emotional regulation skills from a tender age.

Integrating Breathwork into Daily Life:

Brittney introduces the 4-7-8 breath technique as a powerful tool for relaxation and mindfulness in daily life. This technique, simple yet effective, involves inhaling for four counts, holding for seven, and exhaling for eight, offering a moment of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of daily activities.

By incorporating breathwork into short intervals throughout the day, individuals can cultivate mindfulness, reduce stress, and nurture overall well-being in a practical and accessible manner.

Generational Healing through Conscious Breathing:

The episode highlights the profound impact of teaching conscious breathing techniques to children. Brittany shares her personal journey of integrating breathwork and yoga into her parenting, emphasizing the importance of intentional interaction and emotional regulation.

By modeling these practices, parents not only foster self-care and emotional well-being in their children but also establish a culture of mindfulness within the family, facilitating generational healing and resilience.

In conclusion, this episode underscores the transformative potential of breathwork and yoga, offering a roadmap for managing stress, enhancing well-being, and fostering generational healing through conscious breathing practices. By embracing these techniques, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of calm, resilience, and harmony in their lives, shaping a legacy of holistic wellness for future generations.

In this episode, we cover:

  • [00:03:14] Breath work and yoga benefits.

  • [00:06:16] Yoga transforming healthcare industry.

  • [00:11:13] Breathwork as a meditation gateway.

  • [00:16:06] The power of breath work.

  • [00:20:17] The power of breath work.

  • [00:23:23] The power of breathwork.

  • [00:28:34] The power of being still.

  • [00:32:09] Finding balance in busyness.

  • [00:36:06] Parasympathetic vs. Sympathetic Nervous System.

  • [00:40:33] Creating new neurological pathways.

  • [00:44:00] Generational healing and teaching.

  • [00:50:30] Belly breath technique.

  • [00:54:09] Overall fitness and connections.


"So breathwork is kind of like a gateway or a doorway into a deeper practice of meditation." - Brittney Hall

"When we speed past our feelings, when we speed past our emotions, when we say, I don't have time, I don't got time for that. I don't, I don't, I don't need to feel anything. Those feelings have to go somewhere." - LaShonda Walker

"Let me sit here, take a sip of water, and just settle my spirit, settle my mind, my body and my spirit here." - Brittney Hall

"I want you to sit in this moment, feel how it feels so that you create a new neurological pathway so that when you're in those moments of fight and flight." - Brittney Hall

"If we can pass down generational trauma, we can pass down generational healing." - LaShonda Walker

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Guest Information:
Email: mrsbritthall@gmail.com


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